Saturday, April 11, 2009

Reservior & Transmission of Mycoplasma pneumoniae

There are 3 types of transmission of disease
a. contact

b. vehicles

c. vector

Contact transmission:
is spread of an agent disease by direct contact, indirect contact or droplet transmission.

Through kissing, touching, and sexual intercourse

• Droplet transmission occur in which microbes are spread in droplet nucleid that only travel in short distance.

Vehicle transmission:
Transmission of disease agent by medium such as water, food, blood drug and intravenous fluids.

Arthropods are the most important group of disease vectors

• They are animals that carry pathogens from one host to another.

The modes for Mycoplasma pneumoniae of transmission through:

A.respiratory droplet

B. airborne

A. respiratory droplet:

steps 1:
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is spread in the droplet nucleid that travel only a short distance.

steps 2:
these droplets area discharged into the air by coughing, sneezing, laughing or talking

steps 3:
they travel less than 1 meter from the reservoir to the host cell.

B. Airborne
- An enormous number of moisture droplets are expelled during sneezing.

- A considerable number of moisture droplets are expelled during coughing or talking.

- The infectious droplet of Mycoplasma pneumoniae has a diameter about 10µm.

- Each of the infectious droplets contains one or more microbial cell or virions.

- They can move in the speed of 100m/sec( more than 200mi/h) in sneeze.

- During coughing and talking, the range of speed will be 16 to 48m/sec.

- So, the number of bacteria in a sneeze will be around 10,000 to 100,000.
- The moisture droplets will evaporate and spread in the air very quickly as the size is small.

- The infectious droplets normally will cause upper respiratory infections such as influenza.

Reservoir is a continual source of infection. It may be human, animal or nonliving things.

  1. Reservoir for Mycoplasma pneumoniae believed are human and mainly are children. People with signs and symtoms of a disease may transmit disease to others, they are called carrier. Mostly, children are living reservoir for Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

  2. Another reservoir for Mycoplasma pneumoniae is wild animal such as deer, mice and rodents.

Reservoir: human

· Human body will be the reservoir for Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

· People can transmit the disease without exhibiting any signs and illness.

Reservoir : wild animals
· Disease that occur primary in wild and domestic animals and are able to transmit disease to human is called zoonoses.
· Mycoplasma pneumoniae present in most of wild animals such as deer and mice