Colonization, host and bacterial, factors contribute to progression of infection are important to optimize diagnosis and treatment, and to prevent transmission of
Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
- Survey need to be done from time to time in the countries that normally Mycoplasma pneumoniae diseases occurred.
- Differentiating between asymptomatic colonization and infection using quantitative, real-time PCRS. Via PCR, small samples of DNA can be quickly amplified to increase the number of samples so that there are enough for analysis. By using the PCR, diagnosis test can use to detect the presence of infections agents in situations in which they would otherwise be undetectable.
- DNA fingerprinting to track an infection disease. This procedure enables the identification of a particular DNA sequence. Determination and identification particular DNA by southern blotting is commonly used; it is used to detect whether bacteria’s DNA are present in the white blood cell DNA of a patient by comparing the DNA content of normal cell with infected white blood cell.
- Medical examination on host’s white blood cell whether have any similar symptom with Mycoplasma pneomoniae cytadherence.
- By using and introducing new Mycoplasma that having a new coding gene on adhesin protein into the lungs. Pathogenic Mycoplasma will rearrange DNA by using multiple copies of adhesion gene sequences to replace their natural disadvantage which is having a small genome. Gene reshuffles also a high rate reinjection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae into patients. It is able to activate anti-self T cells or polyclonal B cells. So, from our blood sample, white blood cell gene and normal white blood cell gene are compared in order to check whether there are any differences between both genetic coding. If the result is positive it means Mycoplasma pneumoniae is present.
- A new device which is able to scan and print the image of the patient lungs can be created based on fluorescence principle. Fluorescence probe that react with Mycoplasma pneumoniae will be bring into respiratory tract, then image of the patient’s lungs will be captured and printed. Picture that shows fluorescence proved that Mycoplasma pneumoniae presence.
- An advanced technology device can be made. An advanced bronchoscope is modified to add a gas collection tube and remote sample collection hook on it. When doctor using this tool, it can capture situation in the respiratory tract and can collect the gas surround the infected area; infection is found, doctor can use the remote hook collect the infectious sample.
- The little tube will have some little holes and are covered by soft materials. It will contain a low pressure gas, when the tube insert into the respiratory tract, high pressure will enter the tube thru the hole. If the gas collect turn colorless 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride into pink color. We can do further checking on it. Bacteria have to grow and undergo some test. If it fermented glucose, turn glucose nutrient broth methyl-red indicator from red to yellow and give a positive serology IgM result, then we can predict Mycoplasma pneumoniae is found.